October 1, 2024

Product Review: Goliath Mixed Material Privacy Fence

What is it? The Goliath mixed material privacy fence design by Vinyl Fence Warehouse starts with a new versatile, all-in-one type of aluminum post called the multi-post. The post is square and co...

September 18, 2024

Take These Things into Account When Fencing Near Trees

  Fence installations can be tricky when nearby trees are involved. If you value the health of your trees, it is important to consider some factors about your fence around tree projects that w...

August 26, 2019

How to Clean your Vinyl Fence

The question of how to clean vinyl fencing comes around pretty frequently here at Frederick Fence Co, so this is for all the vinyl-cleaning-inquisitive minds out there! Vinyl fencing ultimately requi...

August 15, 2019

Your Fence From Start to Finish.

Okay. . . so you need a fence. Where do you start? What kind of options are out there? Who do you call? The last question is the easiest to answer. No, it’s not ghos...

August 5, 2019

The Latest and Greatest- Summer 2019

  Written by Laura Barnsley We are very excited to show off just a few of the latest jobs that we have completed this summer! Each one is different as it has been custom built and created specifi...

July 24, 2019

Got Deer?

  Written by Laura Barnsley Summer is so great because of all the things we can do that involve being outside! Swimming, playing ball, roasting marshmallows, and eating ice cream are all enjoyed ...

July 3, 2019

Happy Fourth of July!

Written by Laura Barnsley You have probably heard us say before that Frederick Fence Company is all about families! In honor of this value that we hold so dear, the business will be closed on the Four...

June 26, 2019

Come on in, the Water’s Fine! But How’s the Fence?

  Written by Laura Barnsley The team here at Frederick Fence is so excited to have already installed many amazing fences this season, one of our busiest ever! This is one of the best times for fe...

June 13, 2019

Father’s Day

Written by Laura Barnsley We appreciate and value each one of the men and women who work here at Frederick Fence and the vital roles they play in the running of the company, but at the top of our appr...

May 10, 2019

Mothers Day

  Written by Laura Barnsley Spring is upon us and we are thrilled to be heading into what looks like will be another exciting busy season here at Frederick Fence, but before everything gets too c...