Climbing plants do exactly what it sounds like they do—they climb! Climbing plants are a very versatile group of plants that can grow to cover or climb up many types of vertical surfaces like fences, walls, deck railings, arches, or obelisks. They do a wonderful job at helping to hide less beautiful areas of your landscaping and adding a pop of color to your deck. Here are some examples of climbing plants that will help to set your deck landscaping apart!
First, How Do You Make a Climber Climb?
While climbing plants are known for their ability to climb, they can’t necessarily do it easily from the start and often need some light training. Ivy or Virginia creeper can naturally hold on to vertical surfaces, but crawling deck plants that twine as they climb like Honeysuckle will need something to attach to. When you decide what climbing plant you want to use to decorate your deck railing, plant it about 30-45 cm away from the base of whatever it is going to attach to. This way, rain can reach the roots of the plant. Next, add vertical or horizontal wires or a trellis so that your new climbing plant has something to grow on. Any new shoots should be tied to the existing structure with garden twine to ensure that they properly attach to your deck.
Climbing Plants: Containers
If you aren’t sure if your fence crawling plants for privacy will last well in your yard’s soil, you still have many annual and perennial crawling plant options for your yard, deck, or garden area. Annual plants that make for great climbers include sweet peas, Black-eyed Susan, Morning Glory, and Nasturtiums. When you use a container as a base for your crawling plants, make sure that you have adequate space for them to grow.
Climbing Plants: North-Facing and East-Facing Walls
First things first, north facing walls get no sun and are typically cold, so they don’t make the best homes for most plants. East facing walls are the second coldest, as they get morning sunlight and then get none for the rest of the day. While both of these walls do not get any or much sun, there are still plants that can thrive there. For your north and east facing deck railing or deck walls, consider planting Climbing Monk’s Hood, Winter Creeper, Oriental Bittersweet, Ivy, or Virginia creeper.
Climbing Plants: South-Facing and West-Facing Walls
South and west facing walls are the ones that get all of the sunlight during the day, so they are warm and bright. South-facing walls absorb the heat of the daytime sun and typically keep it overnight, so they work incredibly well for plants that need a little extra help. South and west-facing walls work really well for fruit plants and flowering plants that will really make your deck gorgeous. Everything from Ficus to Peaches, to Grape Vines, to Star Jasmine will grow eagerly on your deck!
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Frederick Fence has the expertise and years of experience to build your family the perfect fence for your home. We specialize in building fences that combine privacy with beauty and we are familiar with many types of fencing materials, so bring your wildest dreams to your consultation with us and we will make them a reality! Interested in a quote or learning more about our services? Visit us online or give us a call at 1-800-49-FENCE. For more articles and tips on how to keep your home and yard looking great, visit us on Facebook, Twitter, Houzz, Google+, and Pinterest.