Do you wonder about when and how your fencing installation day will take place? Below you will find an order of events and some general information to hopefully answer some of your questions regarding your installation day!
Phone call to schedule
We schedule exact fencing installation dates 2-3 days ahead. Up until that point, you will have been provided with a 10-day span of time within which to expect your installation to take place. Weather and crew availability make scheduling exact days impossible until we know the details of both of those factors.
Confirm your presence at the start to meet the crew
When we call to schedule your installation date you will be asked to confirm that you will be present when the crew arrives at your home. This step is vitally important to your entire fence project. The crew needs to be absolutely sure that the fence is going where you want it. The details of start and stop points, angles, and gate locations are what can make or break your finished product. They will ask to confirm the entire layout with you to ensure everyone is on the same page.
Show up
Crews arrive usually between 7:30 and 9 depending on traffic and how far away you are from our shop. If a crew is running late, feel free to call the office and ask for an update on their location. We have GPS trackers installed on each truck and can let you know their approximate location and ETA.
Confirm fence location and placement of gates
As stated previously, your initial meeting with the crew is a high priority for us and should be for you as well. Even though our sales reps and office staff make copious amounts of notes on the paperwork. . . some details can get lost in translation once applied to real-life, on-site work. Now is the time to reiterate what is most important to you regarding your project. You should let the crew know about any private utility lines in your yard, if you have a dog and if he or she is friendly, where you would like the excess dirt dumped, etc.
Go about your day
We do not require you to be present throughout the entirety of the installation process. It is most common for customers to leave while the crew installs for the remainder of the day. We understand that our customers have busy schedules. Our intention is for you not to have to take time out of your schedule in order for your fence to be installed, aside from those few short minutes at the start.
Ask questions
If you have questions during your installation, you can ask them of your head foreman. If you are not on site for the remainder of the day, you are welcome to call the office and talk to Matt or Jackie. They will be able to answer your questions or direct them to our installation manager if necessary. They can also pass along any necessary messages to your foreman for you from the office.
Submit your final payment
We offer several different payment options to our customers. If you prefer to pay your balance to the foreman directly, the only way he can accept it is by cash or check. Credit cards can be accepted over the phone with someone in the office, or through our secure online payment portal through our website. If you signed up for financing through Wells Fargo, your account will be charged a day or so after the fence work is completed. Wells Fargo will then send their first statement to you within the next 30-45 days.
If you still have questions, we would love to have a conversation with you! Simply call the office at your convenience. 301-663-4000