Showroom Makeover


Frederick Fence is proud to announce that our fence materials showroom has undergone a much needed face lift! It has been a long process involving demolition, reorganization, design work, and plenty of patience!

Here are some photos from before the reno. . .



The first feat to accomplish was freshening up the walls with a new coat of paint and updating the flooring with a nice gray color of laminate! Our retail sales department endured quite a hectic week of being moved around in order to complete this phase of the renovation.

Meanwhile, plans were made to revamp the décor in this area as well as update the examples of fencing that would be showcased.


After the completed renovation . . .

Our vinyl shop prepared some samples to fit perfectly in the new space out of white, beige, and even black vinyl material!

Our aluminum samples stayed the same, but they look even more beautiful incorporated into the new look!

These canvas prints on the back wall showcase some of our favorite work! We kept one old standing desk to use as a checkout desk.

Kenny and Roxanne received all new office furniture!


Like the new look? Be sure to let us know!